It looks like the above four libraries couldn't be mapped into the shared segment. 看起来上面四个库无法映射到共享段。
Process A annexes, or maps, the shared memory segment into its own address space. 进程A把共享内存段连接(即映射)到自己的地址空间。
This program also allows you to display the subsystem shared memory segment for debugging purposes. 这个程序还允许您为调试目的显示子系统共享内存段。
The SHMMAX specifies the maximum size in bytes of a shared memory segment which can be allocated on the system. SHMMAX按字节指定系统上可以分配的最大共享内存段。
As its name implies, shared memory makes a segment of memory accessible to more than one process. 顾名思义,共享内存让一段内存可供多个进程访问。
However, a shared memory segment cannot be "split" across quadrants and be guaranteed a contiguous address space. 但是,共享内存段不能跨象限“拆分”,而应该保证是一个连续的地址空间。
A real application would use semaphores or other techniques to control reading and writing to the shared segment. 真实的应用程序会使用信号量或其他技术控制对共享内存段的读写。
Another common problem with allocating database shared memory on Solaris is due to the fact that all pages of a shared memory segment are pinned in physical RAM. Solaris中另一个与分配数据库共享内存有关的常见问题是由于这样的一个事实导致的,即共享内存段的所有页都是固定在物理RAM中的。
On one server it is easy to share the user's session state in a shared memory segment. 在一台服务器上很容易通过共享内存段共享用户的会话状态。
The code implements a parent and child process that communicates via a shared memory segment. 代码实现通过共享内存段通信的父进程和子进程。
The end address of the instance shared memory segment is not fixed. 实例共享内存的结束地址是不固定的。
Shmat is a UNIX function that attaches the shared memory segment associated with the shared memory identified by shmid ( another Solaris function) to the data segment of the calling process. shmat是一个UNIX函数,它将与shmid(另一个Solaris函数)所标识的共享内存相关的共享内存段附加到调用进程的数据段上。
Msync(): Used to synchronize a shared memory segment with the file system& a technique useful when mapping a file into memory. msync():用来让共享内存段与文件系统同步&当把文件映射到内存时,这种技术有用。
The article also discusses how to diagnose situations where the kernel shared segment is full and possible approaches to resolving that situation. 本文还讨论如何诊断内核共享段完全占用的情况,以及解决该问题的可能方法。
Mmap() annexes the shared memory segment and returns a pointer suitable for reading and writing bytes directly from the segment. mmap()连接共享内存段,返回用于对内存段直接读写字节的指针。
Though FCM communication becomes faster, it reduces the database shared memory by one segment. 虽然FCM通信变得更快,但是它也令数据库共享内存减少了一个段。
, where the shared segment of memory is assigned local addresses in each process 'own address space. ,它给共享内存段分配每个进程的地址空间中的本地地址。
It is possible to load the shared library segment to a lower address, leaving less room for the instance shared memory, bur more room for the database shared memory. 将共享库装载到一个较低的地址,从而使留给实例共享内存的空间更少,留给数据库共享内存的空间更多。
Two of the opcode caches we looked at earlier, APC and Wincache, have facilities for doing just this, where you can store PHP data directly into a shared memory segment for quick retrieval. 我们之前探究的两个操作码缓存APC和Wincache具有实现上述操作的工具,其中您可以将PHP数据直接存储到一个共享内存段中,便于快速查询。
Note: DB2 will take away one segment from the database shared memory for each of the following configurations, starting from segment B. 注意:对于下面的每种配置,DB2将从数据库共享内存中拿出一个段,这个段始于段B。
A Novel Recursive Shared Segment Protection Algorithm in Survivable WDM Networks 一种WDM光网络中的递归式子通路保护算法
This program has the following functions: the capture and analysis of data Packets in Shared Network Segment, the pattern matching of intrusion signature and the response to intrusion activities. 该程序完成了共享网段中的数据包的捕获和分析,入侵特征的匹配以及对入侵活动的响应等功能。
In this article, based on the general address forwarding table, a topology discovery algorithm which is adaptable to physical topology with shared segment is defined and the correctness of it is proved. 根据交换机通用地址转发表信息,提出了一种适应存在共享网段的物理网络拓扑发现算法,证明了该算法的正确性。
And then we propose mixed shared segment protection ( MSSP) algorithm to protect multicast requests. 并提出了混合共享的多播保护算法MSSP(MixedSegmentSharedProtection)。